The physiotherapy team was delighted to host The Use of Radiology masterclass, the second of a new series of continuing professional education.
The keynote speakers consisted four of our very own Sports Doctors:
All four Doctors shared some great insights and perspective on the assessment and management of a broad variety of
conditions in a clear and concise manner.
The evening focussed on using radiology strategically to aid in our Physiotherapy practice through diagnosis and assessment of treatment outcomes.
This centred on the appropriate timing and choice of radiology modality (MRI vs x-ray vs ultrasound etc) as determined by the presenting problem. Key ‘take aways’ included the value of plain film x-ray and the importance of providing quality information to radiologists to allow them the best chance of providing the required information back to the referring clinician.
Each doctor provided in-depth case studies and utilised their extensive clinical experience to give our physiotherapists a great insight into when to go hunting if something doesn’t quite ‘feel’ right and when to refer to other practitioners for a second opinion.
Each of our sportsmed physiotherapists can refer directly to radiologists for various x-rays/scans and can also refer onto medical practitioners for more extensive investigation as required.
With our Sports Doctors and Dr Jones and Partners Radiology onsite at our Stepney Healthcare hub, these services have never been more accessible.
It was clearly evident that this very topic typified the unique service that sportsmed offers a trusted referral pathway to specialist sports doctors with readily accessible radiology services to provide a better patient experience and outcome.